Partner with Us

Welcome to Open Heart, the first therapy platform designed by therapists for therapists.

Our community is a place where practitioners can come together, offer each other support, and grow their practices. We're here to help you manage and sustain your practice, no matter where you are. With our platform, you can manage your practice from one place and have access to smart and straightforward features, such as an interactive scheduler, secure messaging, invoicing, and high-quality video sessions.

We aim to address therapists' pain points and offer the best tools to help you level up your practice.

  • Reduce Isolation and Burnout

    Become part of our community, where you can access workshops, lectures, self-practice groups, peer supervision, and supervised case discussions as part of your membership.

  • Goodbye to Unfair or Uncertain Pay

    Higher education, professional registrations and memberships, certifications, continuous professional development, professional indemnity insurance, and office and admin costs can add up. Therefore, you can set your own prices and therapy sessions are prepaid.

  • We say Yes to Flexibility

    You have the freedom to run your practice the way you want! You can choose your working hours and time zone. If you prefer to spend afternoons with your kids and work in the evenings or even at night, you can do so.

  • Bye-bye to Endless Administrative Activities and Subscriptions

    We offer easy practice management, allowing you to keep all your work in one place. You can concentrate on what matters to you, reduce unnecessary subscriptions, and jump between different programs.

  • No More Worries about Your Health

    We care about your physical and mental health and want to provide you with the best coverage while living a nomadic or remote lifestyle and helping others. As the saying goes, "Put the oxygen masks on yourself before assisting others if cabin pressure decreases.

How it works
  • 1. Sign Up
  • 2. Create your profile
  • 3. Credentials check by us with your registered professional body
  • 4. When approved, pick a plan that fits your needs. You can upgrade anytime and downgrade with one month's notice.
  • 5. Access educational videos on how to start your own practice smoothly
  • 6. Extra help needed to set up your practice?
    Schedule a free call with us!
  • 7. Get paid monthly or bi-weekly to your designated bank account.
Psychologists are people, too!

This review (Vivolo, Owen, Fisher, 2022) explores therapist burnout from a qualitative perspective.Burnout affects therapists’ physical, emotional, and personal well-being, leading to reduced effectiveness, motivation, engagement, and satisfaction. Burnout is fueled by systemic and organizational challenges and ethical dilemmas, contributing to the sense of powerlessness and hopelessness experienced by therapists.

The review recommends supervision and peer support as cost-effective preventative measures for burnout and practices that enhance self-reflection and meaning in work.

In view of the above, Arise Asia Ltd. has carefully crafted three plans from which to choose.

Choose Your Plan
  • Explorer
    HK $0/mo


    Interested and want to test the waters in building your own practice via online therapy? Join our FREE plan to work with clients who match your clinical specialties, budget & schedule!

    • Fair Pay
    • Flexible Schedule
    • Tech Support
    • Sales Data
    • Featured Articles
    • Remote Community, Peer Supervision
    • Therapist Training
    • Health Insurance
    • Al Integration*

    *To be released in 2025

    Get Started
  • Partner
    HK $400/mo


    Ready to commit? Let’s subscribe for no New-Client Administrative fees, lower Online Payment Processing Fees, and get insightful summary reports fro sustainable growth and finance management!

    • Fair Pay
    • Flexible Schedule
    • Tech Support
    • Sales Data
    • Featured Articles
    • Remote Community, Peer Supervision
    • Therapist Training
    • Health Insurance
    • Al Integration*

    *To be released in 2025
    As low as HK$250/mo for annual subscription

    Get Started
  • Entreprenuer
    HK $1,900/mo


    Want to dive deeper into action? Work on building your own private practice with blog features, continuing education trainings, peer supervision!

    • Fair Pay
    • Flexible Schedule
    • Tech Support
    • Sales Data
    • Featured Articles
    • Remote Community, Peer Supervision
    • Therapist Training
    • Health Insurance (add-on feature)
    • Al Integration*

    *To be released in 2025

    Get Started