Mental Health

What is mental health?


When we feel pain from a headache, we reach into our medicine cabinet and grab a paracetamol. When we have a runny nose and a sore throat, we book an appointment with our doctor. We are taught our entire lives that our physical health is utmost important. We visit physicians, fitness instructors, and nutritionists to receive the best care for our bodies. But what happens when we experience intense feelings of sadness or worry? Or when we are unable to cope with our daily activities and relationships? What aspect of our health do we need to focus on? 


Health can be viewed like a balance scale. In order to find stability, both sides need to have an equal value. To have a healthy, balanced life, we need to pay as much attention to our physical health as we do our mental health. So what exactly is mental health? 


Mental health is our emotional and social well-being. Our mental health affects how we behave, think and feel every day. It can affect our relationship with our loved ones or even how much sleep we get a night. Our mental health has a direct impact to every thought process we have in every aspect of our life. This is why it is important to focus and work on being mentally healthy. 


Over the years, there has been a growing global emphasis on the importance of attaining positive mental health. Positive mental health supports adapting to everyday changes, helps build meaningful relationships and stimulates productivity that encourages people to reach their full potential. 


Striving for positive mental health is an ongoing process. There are different factors in life that affect our mental health. One factor is biological, so our genetics or family history can affect our mental health. Another factor is the experiences we’ve had in life. These may be experiences we’ve had with other people or ourselves. 


A variety of experiences and events in our lives shape our mental health, and they affect everyone differently. It’s important to reach out for help when you need it, to strive for a happier and healthier life. Just as you would go to a general practitioner when you’ve got a fever, it’s important to seek professional help for when you’re feeling a distressful change in your mental health. The right additional support can help you build a healthier mind and the right balance in your life. 

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